IPTV Knowledge

Avoid These Scam IPTV Review Websites – Don’t be Fooled!

Scam IPTV Review Sites

This article discusses Deceptive IPTV Assessment Platforms that you should definitely evade!

The internet is teeming with numerous fraudulent websites that deceive their visitors for monetary gain.


And within the IPTV/streaming domain, there is definitely no shortage of deceitful IPTV evaluation platforms providing inauthentic content for revenue.

After conducting extensive research, I felt obligated to craft this composition to expose the disreputable IPTV assessment platforms and elucidate why you should refrain from accessing them.

The following guide covers Scam IPTV Review Websites that you should avoid at all costs!

Legality of IP Television

Before delving too deeply, it’s crucial to comprehend the legality of Internet Protocol Television (IPTV).

IPTV itself is not illicit. The concept of streaming live television through the internet has been in existence for several years. Platforms like YouTube TV, fuboTV, etc., technically fall under the category of IPTV services.

However, where IPTV transgresses legal boundaries is in relation to unverified IPTV services.

Our analysis team defines ‘unverified’ IPTV services as those not available on reputable app stores like Google Play, Amazon, or Apple.

At Iptv Knowledge, our website’s legal disclaimers explicitly state:

IPTV WIRE doesn’t own or operate any IPTV service or streaming application. We do not host or distribute any applications. We have no affiliation with any IPTV service, app, or add-on. We do not verify whether IPTV services or app developers carry the proper licensing. The end-user will be solely responsible for media accessed by any device, app, add-on, or service mentioned on our Website.”

It’s also understood that operators of these unverified IPTV services are connected to organized crime, such as trafficking, arms dealing, drugs, etc.

Hence, any association with unverified IPTV services/operators could lead to legal ramifications.

This encompasses reselling, affiliate partnerships, and even running your own IPTV service with unauthorized access to live channels.

If you are dubious, let’s revisit the tale of the former YouTuber “Touchtone.”

Touchtone IPTV Affiliate/Reseller

In June 2022, the operators of the once-popular “Nitro TV” were arrested and fined over $100 million for piracy damages.

Investigators working on “Nitro TV” also unearthed a former YouTuber called “Touchtone” who promoted Nitro TV to his audience and offered trials.

Touchtone IPTV Affiliate/Reseller

According to a report on TorrentFreak, Touchtone was subsequently investigated by ACE (Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment) and ultimately charged.

The Touchtone lawsuit implies that, when applicable, individuals promoting pirate IPTV services on YouTube and elsewhere online, for the purpose of profiteering, may become targets of anti-piracy authorities.

Now that you have a better grasp of IPTV legality, let’s investigate the scam review websites.

Scam IPTV Review Websites

Similar to most individuals, if you search for “top IPTV services” or “IPTV services” on Google, you will likely encounter search results similar to mine.

IPTV Websites Search Results

Interestingly, all three listed websites exhibit false information about IPTV services and are deceitful upon further scrutiny. Let’s take a closer look.

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1. Software Testing Assist

The Software Testing Assist website must be credible if they are ranking first on Google for “best iptv services,”

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